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Every now and then we get a little angry, if something doesn't go our way of if another person ticks us off then it's understandable that we want to lash out because of our frustration. This is a perfectly natural human emotion. What happens though when we find it difficult to deal with our anger, what happens if we get more angry than usual? We all know someone who probably gets a little more than they possibly should when concerning certain things. It may be the case that they have an anger problem. While anger is a perfectly normal human emotion, if you don't deal with it in the right way, if you are unable to contain and control those feelings of anger, you could find yourself lashing out at those closest to you.
People with anger problems aren't able to deal with other emotions that could potentially damage their reputation or image. It's easier for this person to feel anger rather than shame or sadness. It could be that anger is the 'go to' emotion for any sort or negative influence on that person's life; so rather than deal with an emotion such as shame, that person decides that instead that he or she will simply get angry and lash out. In this example, anger is used as a defense mechanism to shield that person for feeling any pain and showing weakness.
These feelings of anger are not uncommon, in fact a recent study shows that almost a third of us know a close family member or friend who has problems dealing with anger. This can have a serious effect on our relationships with these people, you could find yourself working harder to keep these people happy in case they lash out or become angry again. The threat of physical or verbal abuse from these people is often great, and if you find yourself trapped in a relationship with a particularly angry person then it can be very difficult to get out of or talk to that other person about their anger issues.
The unfortunate thing about anger is that while it is a perfectly natural emotion, it can start a vicious cycle of anger. If a person who has trouble dealing with anger and over reacts at something small and lashes out, they can find themselves getting even angrier than before because they have lashed out in the first place. It can be hard to calm down and deal with these issues once this cycle is up and running, the person can find themselves in a whole heap of trouble as they forget what they got angry about in the first place and in turn become even angrier.
It seems that with people who suffer from anger issues, that anger is always the 'go to' emotion for any type of negative influence on their lives. When a problem or issue arises in their lives they don't stop or think about how they are going to deal with it, they just rummage around in the emotion drawer and pull out the first thing that comes to hand, anger. Once you've become used to dealing with everyday problems with anger then it can be difficult to stop. Anger is like a drug, when we're feeling angry it releases adrenaline into the bloodstream to get us pumped up. The body is forced to work harder and blood pressure is increased. We get a release from acting out in anger and working off this adrenaline, it is this release that people can become dangerously addicted to.
Not only is this psychologically damaging but it can also be detrimental to our health. Those that suffer from anger problems have been shown to have increased blood pressure and weaker hearts due to the organ having to deal with increased blood flow when that person gets angry. This can seriously decrease the life expectancy of that person.
Dealing with anger is never easy, but it is a necessity. If we fail to deal with our anger in the proper way then it can have serious effects on not only our relationships with other people, but also have a massive psychological and physiological effect on ourselves. There are now a number of different ways in which we can learn to deal with our anger such as anger management courses and group therapy where you can learn to deal with your anger in a number of different ways. Rather than reaching for anger at any opportunity you will learn how to control yourself and relax, it's about taking that second to think about what you're really doing and realising that anger isn't your only option, that you can deal with your emotions in a normal and rational manner.
There are ways of dealing with your anger, it's important to speak to the professionals and get help from anger management courses and psychologists.
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Army Lt. Col. Tamatha Patterson, of Huntingdon, Tenn., waits for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to hand her the memorandum he has just signed ending the 1994 ban on women serving in combat, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, during a news conference at the Pentagon. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
Army Lt. Col. Tamatha Patterson, of Huntingdon, Tenn., waits for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to hand her the memorandum he has just signed ending the 1994 ban on women serving in combat, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, during a news conference at the Pentagon. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
FILE - In this Sept. 18, 2012 file photo, female soldiers from 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division train on a firing range while testing new body armor in Fort Campbell, Ky., in preparation for their deployment to Afghanistan. The Pentagon is lifting its ban on women serving in combat, opening hundreds of thousands of front-line positions and potentially elite commando jobs after generations of limits on their service, defense officials said Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey, File)
FILE - In a May 9, 2012 file photo, Capt. Sara Rodriguez, 26, of the 101st Airborne Division, carries a litter of sandbags during the Expert Field Medical Badge training at Fort Campbell, Ky. The Pentagon is lifting its ban on women serving in combat, opening hundreds of thousands of front-line positions and potentially elite commando jobs after generations of limits on their service, defense officials said Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Kristin M. Hall, File)
FILE - This Jan. 19, 2013 file photo shows Defense Secretary Leon Panetta speaking during a news conference in London. Panetta has removed US military ban on women in combat, opening thousands of front line positions. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, flanked by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, right, and Army Lt. Col. Tamatha Patterson, of Huntingdon, Tenn., signs a memorandum ending the 1994 ban on women serving in combat roles in the military, Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, at the Pentagon. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Women in the military must have the same opportunities as men to take on grueling and dangerous combat jobs, whether loading 50-pound artillery shells or joining commando raids to take out terrorists, defense leaders declared Thursday as they ordered a quarter-million positions open to service members regardless of gender.
As Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, signed an order wiping away generations of limits on women fighting for their country, the military services said they would begin a sweeping review of the physical requirements. At the same time they acknowledged that women have been fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade.
Women make up about 14 percent of the 1.4 million active U.S. military personnel. More than 280,000 women have been sent to Iraq, Afghanistan or neighboring nations in support of the wars. Of the more than 6,600 U.S. service members who have been killed, 152 have been women.
The leaders said no physical standards will be lowered just to send more women closer to the battlefront.
"I fundamentally believe that our military is more effective when success is based solely on ability and qualifications and on performance," Panetta said at a Pentagon news conference.
"Not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier. But everyone is entitled to a chance."
It won't happen quickly or easily. But in the end, he said, the U.S. military and America will be stronger for it.
Dempsey did not rule out women serving even as members of elite special operations forces, including the Army's Delta Force and the Navy's SEALs, whose members killed 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.
Dempsey said that because of the particularly punishing physical standards and training required for those teams, it might be years before they include women.
But he added: "I think we all believe that there will be women who can meet those standards."
Recent surveys and experiences suggest the transition may not always be easy. When the Marine Corps sought women to go through its tough infantry course last year, two volunteered, and both failed to complete the course. And there may not be a wide clamoring from women for the more intense, dangerous and difficult jobs, including some infantry and commando positions.
Representatives of the military services said they will look at each job and military specialty that is currently closed to women and examine the requirements that troops must meet. In some cases ? because of equipment upgrades, new technology and automation ? the requirements may change, but in no case will they lower the standards in order to allow women to qualify.
As an example, a loader on a tank crew must be able to lift a 50-pound, two-foot-long artillery shell, spin 180 degrees and load it into a tank's cannon. Because of space constraints in the tank, it requires a great deal of upper body strength to hoist the shell.
Troops asked about the change said they just want comrades who can do the job.
"This gives us more people to work with," said Sgt. Jeremy Grayson, assigned to field infantry at Fort Bliss, Texas. "But they would have to be able to do the physical stuff that men do. Like in some jobs in infantry you're out there for a long time, or in artillery there is heavy work. And they have to be able to pull their own weight."
As a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point two years before women were admitted, Dempsey said he has seen the changes over time.
In 2003, when he went to Baghdad as commander of the 1st Armored Division, Dempsey recalled that he jumped into a Humvee on his first foray out of the forward operating base.
"I slapped the turret gunner on the leg and I said, 'Who are you?' And she leaned down and said, 'I'm Amanda.'"
"And it's from that point on that I realized something had changed, and it was time to do something about it."
But Dempsey cautioned that no one knows where future conflicts will take place. That's why the military needs time, he said, to review and possibly revise standards for combat jobs. The historic change overturns a 1994 rule prohibiting women from being assigned to thousands of front-line artillery, infantry, armor, special operations and pararescue jobs.
The Navy also announced that it is opening jobs for female sailors on smaller attack submarines ? ships that had traditionally been closed to women largely due to privacy concerns in extremely close quarters.
There long has been opposition to putting women in combat, based on questions of whether they have the necessary strength and stamina for certain jobs, or whether their presence might hurt unit cohesion. But the Pentagon's announcement was largely hailed by lawmakers and military groups. There were only a few offering dissenting views.
Spc. Jean Sardonas, who works as a lab technician at a hospital at Fort Bliss in Texas, said she considered joining an Army team that faces combat situations. But since she's had children, she said her perspective had changed.
"If you see the enemy, well, that's the enemy, but now if you see a kid with a gun you're going to think twice" about shooting him, she said.
Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, who will be the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he is concerned about the possible impact of completely ending the ban, adding that he suspects legislation may be needed to stop changes that would be detrimental.
Under the new memo, military service chiefs will have until May 15 to develop plans for allowing women to seek the combat positions. Some jobs may open as soon as this year, while assessments for others, such as special operations forces, may take longer.
The services will have until January 2016 to argue that some positions should remain closed to women.
Thursday's move fits into the broad agenda President Barack Obama previewed for his second term during Monday's inaugural address, which focused in particular on issues of equality. It also comes on the heels of a presidential election in which Obama won the majority of female voters following a campaign that focused heavily on women's issues, though not women in combat specifically.
The change also comes as Panetta wraps up his tenure as defense secretary. The order expands the department's action of nearly a year ago to open about 14,500 combat positions to women, nearly all of them in the Army.
Under the 1994 Pentagon policy, women were prohibited from being assigned to ground combat units below the brigade level. A brigade is roughly 3,500 troops split into several battalions of about 800 soldiers each. Historically, brigades were based farther from the front lines, and they often included top command and support staff.
The necessities of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, however, propelled women into jobs as medics, military police and intelligence officers that were sometimes attached ? but not formally assigned ? to battalions. So while a woman couldn't be assigned as an infantryman in a battalion going out on patrol, she could fly a helicopter supporting the unit, or move in to provide medical aid if troops were injured.
Dempsey suggested that eliminating the ban on women in some combat roles could help with the ongoing sexual assault and harassment problems in the military.
"When you have one part of the population that is designated as warriors and another part that's designated as something else, I think that disparity begins to establish a psychology that in some cases led to that environment." said Dempsey. "I have to believe, the more we can treat people equally, the more likely they are to treat each other equally."
AP National Security Writer Robert Burns, White House Correspondent Julie Pace and AP Broadcast reporter Sagar Meghani in Washington and AP writer Juan Carlos Llorca in El Paso, Texas, contributed to this report.
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Jan. 24, 2013 ? Using a satellite X-ray telescope combined with terrestrial radio telescopes the pulsar was found to flip on a roughly half-hour timescale between two extreme states; one dominated by X-ray pulses, the other by a highly-organised pattern of radio pulses.
The research was led by Professor Wim Hermsen from The Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Amsterdam and will appear in the journal Science on the 25th January 2013.
Researchers from Jodrell Bank Observatory, as well as institutions around the world, used simultaneous observations with the X-ray satellite XMM-Newton and two radio telescopes; the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) in the Netherlands and the Giant Meter Wave Telescope (GMRT) in India to reveal this so far unique behaviour.
Pulsars are small spinning stars that are about the size of a city, around 20 km in diameter. They emit oppositely directed beams of radiation from their magnetic poles. Just like a lighthouse, as the star spins and the beam sweeps repeatedly past Earth we see a brief flash.
Some pulsars produce radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including at X-ray and radio wavelengths. Despite being discovered more than 45 years ago the exact mechanism by which pulsars shine is still unknown.
It has been known for some time that some radio-emitting pulsars flip their behaviour between two (or even more) states, changing the pattern and intensity of their radio pulses. The moment of flip is both unpredictable and sudden. It is also known from satellite-borne telescopes that a handful of radio pulsars can also be detected at X-ray frequencies. However, the X-ray signal is so weak that nothing is known of its variability.
To find out if the X-rays could also flip the scientists studied a particular pulsar called PSR B0943+10, one of the first to be discovered. It has radio pulses which change in form and brightness every few hours with some of the changes happening within about a second.
Dr Ben Stappers from The University of Manchester's School of Physics and Astronomy said: "The behaviour of this pulsar is quite startling, it's as if it has two distinct personalities. As PSR B0943+10 is one of the few pulsars also known to emit X-rays, finding out how this higher energy radiation behaves as the radio changes could provide new insight into the nature of the emission process."
Since the source is a weak X-ray emitter, the team used the most sensitive X-ray telescope in existence, the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton on board a spacecraft orbiting Earth. The observations took place over six separate sessions of about six hours in duration. To identify the exact moment of flip in the pulsar's radio behaviour the X-ray observations were tracked simultaneously with two of the largest radio telescopes in the world, LOFAR and the GMRT.
What the scientists found was that whilst the X-rays did indeed change their behaviour at the same time as the radio emission, as might have been expected, in the state where the radio signal is strong and organised the X-rays were weak, and when the radio emission switched to weak the X-rays got brighter.
Commenting on the study's findings the project leader Wim Hermsen says: "To our surprise we found that when the brightness of the radio emission halved, the X-ray emission brightened by a factor of two! Furthermore the intense X-rays have a very different character from those in the radio-bright state, since they seem to be thermal in origin and to pulse with the neutron star's rotation period."
Dr Stappers says this is an exciting discovery: "As well as brightening in the X-rays we discovered that the X-ray emission also shows pulses, something not seen when the radio emission is bright. This was the opposite of what we had expected. I've likened the changes in the pulsar to a chameleon. Like the animal the star changes in reaction to its environment, such as a change in temperature."
Geoff Wright from the University of Sussex adds: "Our observations strongly suggest that a temporary "hotspot" appears close to the pulsar's magnetic pole which switches on and off with the change of state. But why a pulsar should undergo such dramatic and unpredictable changes is completely unknown."
The next step for the researchers is to look at other objects which have similar behaviour to investigate what happens to the X-ray emission. Later this year there will be another round of simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of a second pulsar. These observations will include the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory.
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As a quick glimpse of research in recent years will show you, there's seemingly no limit to what graphene can do. The carbon-based substance has largely remained the realm of the laboratory, but Cambridge is amongst those universities looking to help the amazing substance play a bigger role in industry. As part of its efforts, the school is set to start work on the Graphene Center at the beginning of next month, a facility that's set to "take graphene to the next level" when it opens shop by year's end, with the help of a £12 million ($19 million) grant. Scientists at the center will seek to harness the material to help create things like flexible, transparent electronics, networked devices and energy storage for electric cars. More information on the forthcoming recearch center can be found in the source link below.
Via: TechCrunch
Source: Cambridge University
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Boasting may the norm on the social network, but that doesn't mean it's right for your relationship.
There's no denying Facebook affects our relationships. And, with new features on the way, there's no doubt it will continue to.
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A recent New York Magazine?article "When The Engagement Gets Its Own Photo" by Chole Anygal addresses the scary side of Facebook, more specifically, Engagement Sundays.
You know, when you sign on to Facebook Sunday morning and there's a new engagment alert on your homepage that never seems to go away. And it's not just there, above the reminder about your long-lost friend from middle school's birthday. It's in the statuses congratulating the couple, in the relationship story that Facebook creates, chronicling the couple's interactions over the course of Facebook, and lastly, in that picture of the ring that has hundreds of likes and comments.
It's everywhere, and it's all your newsfeed can talk about.
"Still, the focus on the ring ? not the couple, not even the bride ? is approaching fetish-levels of fixation, and Facebook is only fueling the fire," says Angyal.
While engagement rings certainly take the spotlight (and in some cases, a bride-to-be's cover photo) when the couple makes their modern day wedding announcement via the social network, it's not only the duos to be married who are participating in the oversharing trend. What about the other people in relationships ? dating and already married? Facebook is becoming relationship-obsessed.
Before Facebook, you never had to see photo albums of couples jetsetting to Bermuda or see the heartfelt messages people write to each other on anniversairies.?
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The pictures, the wall posts, the statuses ? Facebook gives us a chance to tell our significant others we love them?and?let the world see it. But is it bragging? Is it exaggerated???Keep reading ...
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(Photo: Dante Dasaro ? DDR)
DETROIT (CBS Detroit)?- Baby, it?s not just cold outside, it?s downright frigid. And if it?s too cold for you to spend an extended period of time outside, it?s also too cold for dogs and cats.
As temperatures dropped below the freezing mark, the Michigan Humane Society and Detroit Dog Rescue reminded Detroit dog owners it?s their responsibility to ensure their pets are safe and comfortable.
?Extreme cold temperatures can be very dangerous for dogs outside,? said Rodney Stewart, field operations agent for Detroit Dog Rescue.
Don?t believe the old adage about dogs being protected by fur coats in any weather ? because their paws aren?t protected, nor are their thin-skinned underbellies.
The Dog Rescue?s?Dante Dasaro stressed that, if your dog is an outside pet, the position of the dog house is important.
?If by all means at all possible, it should be up against the home, with the opening of the dog house facing away from the wind. And by putting it up against the house, you actually will get some radiant heat from the home that will help warm the dog house,??Dasaro said.
He said there should also be a lot of insulation.
?You want to put down straw, and not hay, because straw is actually treated to keep down mold and bacteria,? Dasaro explained. ?So when you do that you want to fill up the dog house to about half the capacity of the dog house to give it a nice pillow so that the dog is actually suspended on the straw and not touching the floor of the dog house.?
He said you should change the straw out every month.
The Humane Society is currently offering free straw for pets at the MHS Detroit Center for Animal Care, 7401 Chrysler Drive, between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Here are tips to make sure your pets are comfortable through the dark, chilly days of winter.
1.?Doggie Fitness & Relief?? Dogs by nature love the outdoors.? They love to play, rip, run, sniff and of course take potty breaks.? However, during cold weather months pet owners need to pay more attention to the time spent outside.? Pet owners should limit their dogs? time outside to reduce exposure.? When outdoors, dress your dog with an insulated vest, sweater and doggie boots to protect their paws and core.
2.?Nutrition & Adequate Hydrations?? Dogs that spend most of their time outdoors may need more calories to maintain their energy level in cold weather.? Always check with your vet regarding all changes to your dog?s diet.? It?s also important to make sure your dog has adequate water outside.? Keep it fresh and in a plastic bowl (avoid metal) to prevent it from freezing ? contrary to popular belief dogs cannot break ice in a water bowl and you do not want them licking ice or eating snow as a way to hydrate.? Snow and ice in an urban setting can be filled with toxins from salt and other antifreeze products that are harmful to your dog?s digestive system.
?3.?Lost And Found? ? During the winter months Detroit Dog Rescue responds to a lot of lost, homeless and stray dog calls.? A month ago a family entering the United States via the Detroit -Windsor Canada crossing at the Ambassador Bridge lost their dog when it jumped out and ran away during a boarder patrol inspection. Always keep a collar on your dog and consider having your pet identified with a microchip.? If your dog gets loose, lost or disoriented in cold weather with an ID collar and microchip you will have a fighting chance if your dog is found and can be returned home.
4.?In The Dog House?? If your dog must spend significant time outdoors, Detroit Dog Rescue encourages pet owners to provide adequate sheltering and bedding. Keeping your dog tied up to the porch, stairs, fence or a tree is not cool or humane. A good way to keep your dog secure and comfortable is in a doghouse ? raised off the ground with a roof to shed away the elements.? In the doghouse make sure you keep enough straw (avoid hay) to provide a nice bedding for your dog.? Straw keeps mold and bacteria down and is a great insulator in the house.
5.??Pet Safety & Winter Hazard?? In extreme cold weather believe-it-or-not your dog can get frostbite on their paw-pads.? Prolonged contact with frozen ground surfaces such as concrete and asphalt can be dangerous for dogs.? Be aware of harmful substances such as road salt and other ice melting antifreeze products that can get lodged in between paws causing an irritation or chemical burn.? Always wipe down your dog?s paws after spending time outside ? this will prevent them from digesting any toxic materials when they decide to lick and clean themselves.
If you see a pet in distress, visit the Detroit Dog Rescue online?HERE?or the MHS cruelty hotline for pets in Detroit, Hamtramck or Highland Park ?at 313-872-3401. A confidential message can be left 24 hours a day. In other areas of the state, animal cruelty should be immediately reported to the local animal control or police.
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This is a guest post. The links within this post are not affiliate links and ILM does not receive any monetary benefit. The views and opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect those of Islamic Learning Materials or Abu Ibrahim Ismail.
Finding a life partner (spouse) is one of the most important decisions you will make, so it?s crucial to make the right choice. Faith is a key part of millions of people?s lives, so it?s not surprising that religious beliefs can be a major factor in a relationship.
Read this article to find out what other aspects could be considered when looking for love with like-minded singles via online dating.
There are certain values that people of particular faiths consider to be of utmost importance. These beliefs are the cornerstones by which many live, so to find a partner who shares those values will make your life much easier. Rather than arguing about conflicting ideas, you can live in harmony with your spouse.
When it comes to finding a like-minded partner, online dating sites can offer singletons the chance to be matched with someone who looks at life in the same way. Compatibility tests and personality questionnaires ensure that the person you meet on your first date is on the same wavelength as you.
In addition to shared values, common ground can also be a key factor in a successful relationship. This can be similar interests or hobbies you both enjoy. If you love to spend a lot of time outdoors and like to stay fit and healthy, you don?t want to date a couch potato who considers lifting the remote control to be exercise!
By meeting a potential husband or wife who likes to spend time doing the things you like to do, you are setting yourself on the road to a happy relationship. Having fun together is a great way to keep your love alive through the years. This, coupled with a shared dedication to faith, is a recipe for success.
A relationship?doesn?t?just affect two people, it also involves their families. Your immediate and extended family share your beliefs, values and faith, and will be in your life forever. Therefore it?s vital to choose a partner who will get along well with your family members.
If you consider respect of elders to be important, you will want to find someone who agrees with you on this point. Your parents will want to approve of your choice, so you will want to pick a partner you know will fit in well. Sharing the same faith will help your partner and your family get along.
Although long distance relationships can work, it is always easier when you live close by! If you can meet up regularly without having to take expensive flights, you will find your relationship will flourish that much quicker.
Thanks to online dating sites such as eHarmony Canada: Lifestyle you can search for suitable partners who live within 30 miles of your home.
It can be difficult to know what another person?s faith is when you first meet them, even if they live in your?neighborhood? so that?s where dating sites can help. You can specifically search for fellow single Muslims in your area when you try Muslim relationships with eHarmony Canada.
If you share the same values and beliefs, it?s likely that you and your partner will also have the same hopes and dreams for the future. Life is joyful when both of you are on the same page.
Make sure you know whether you have the same ideas about whether you want children, where you want to live, and how you want to spend the rest of your lives. These things, as well as all of the above considerations, will help create a harmonious relationship.
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Uncredited / AP
This December 2012 handout photo provided by the Effingham County Sheriff's Office shows Chad Moretz, who was shot dead by a SWAT team on Jan. 11, 2013.
By Russ Bynum, The Associated Press
Police went to Chad Moretz's home to ask him about a friend who had gone missing and quickly found themselves in a tense standoff when a relative answered the door and whispered: "He's got a rifle. He's going to kill y'all."?
It was at least the fourth time in 18 months deputies had gone to see Moretz. Neighbors and relatives had accused him of chasing his wife with a machete, threatening to kill a man with a handgun and stabbing a dog with a pocket knife. But none of that prepared investigators for what they found Jan. 11 after Moretz walked onto his front porch with an assault rifle and was killed by a SWAT team sniper.?
Inside the home, amid filth and roaches and foul odors, police found the missing man's severed head and two hands hidden behind a kitchen cabinet inside a hole in the wall. The rest of the body, dismembered by a power saw and wrapped in bags, was discovered in a storage locker a half-hour away in neighboring South Carolina.?
"I don't believe there was a motive," said David Ehsanipoor, an investigator for the Effingham County Sheriff's Office. "It wasn't a drug deal gone bad or a love triangle. Chad was just crazy."?
Medical examiners confirmed the body belonged to Charlie Ray, 35. Ray had been a friend of Moretz, and his family had been searching for him since New Year's Eve.?
An autopsy showed Ray was stabbed more than 40 times and had been dead more than a week before his remains were found. Moretz's wife told investigators her husband and Ray had been drinking and talking, then started arguing. She said Moretz grabbed a knife and started repeatedly stabbing Ray in their kitchen, Ehsanipoor said. Investigators suspect Ray's body was dismembered to make it easier to hide.?
Ray's mother, Sandi Ray, said in a brief phone interview her son struggled with Tourette's syndrome.?
Megan Edgerly, a friend of Ray's since childhood, said the debilitating brain disorder left him unable to drive or to hold down a job. She said he handled his tics ? flailing arms and vocal outbursts ? with grace and humor and treasured friends who accepted him in spite of it.?
"Charlie never had a frown on his face," Edgerly said. "He was dealt a bad hand, but he always maintained a real positive attitude throughout all of it."?
Moretz lived about 20 miles from where Ray lived with his parents. Moretz had moved there from southwest Florida, where violence devastated his own family a year and a half ago.?
His father is scheduled to stand trial in April for the slaying of Moretz's mother in Naples, Fla. Police said Jeffrey Moretz, 55, followed his estranged wife, Christine Moretz, to a hospital and fatally shot her while she was visiting a friend on July 5, 2011. He then shot himself, but survived. Court records show Jeffrey Moretz filed for divorce in Collier County, Fla., two weeks before his wife's slaying.?
One of Chad Moretz's neighbors, Ross Maruca, said Moretz didn't work and let his grass grow knee-high before Maruca decided to cut it himself. He said Moretz once showed up at his door and asked his wife for food and money. She gave him $20, he said, and Moretz later paid it back.?
"You could look at him and tell something was wrong, just the look he had," Maruca said. "He looked like he was dazed all the time."?
Deputies jailed Moretz on July 23, 2011 ? not quite three weeks after his mother was killed ? when his brother-in-law told police he'd received a frantic phone call from his sister saying Moretz was chasing her with a machete. Moretz's wife denied the story. Deputies charged Chad Moretz with trespassing when they found him hiding by a shed in a neighbor's yard.?
Last May, neighbors called the sheriff's office when they said Moretz stabbed a dog that had gotten loose after he was bitten several times. In November, a friend told police Moretz asked for a ride, and when he refused, he pointed the gun at him and threatened to kill him and his family.?
Deputies arrested Moretz on charges of making terroristic threats on Dec. 22. Jail records show he was released on $3,500 bond the same day.?
Almost two weeks later, Maruca called police after seeing a TV news report that Charlie Ray was missing. Maruca knew Ray because he had lived at Moretz's house for two or three months the previous summer. The neighbor said he saw Ray at the house Jan. 2.?
Police initially talked to Moretz's wife, who said Ray wasn't there. Days later, they decided to return to the suburban neighborhood of modest brick homes talk to Moretz himself. His brother-in-law, Kevin Lambert, met detectives at the door and whispered a warning.?
"He said, 'Chad's in here, he's got a rifle, he's going to kill y'all,'" Ehsanipoor said.?
Detectives dragged Lambert out of the house and retreated. Moretz, armed with an assault rifle, refused to come out or to let his wife leave. A hostage negotiator and a SWAT team were brought in.?
After more than four hours, Moretz's wife ran outside through the front door and collapsed in the yard. Then Moretz emerged with an AR-15 rifle. Ehsanipoor said he was raising the gun when a sniper shot him.?
Though investigators say they believe Moretz alone killed Ray, his wife and brother-in-law have been charged with helping conceal the death. Kimberly Moretz did not immediately return a message left at a phone number listed for her on a police report. Lambert did not have a listed phone number.?
Investigators said it was one of the siblings who told authorities during the standoff that Ray's remains were hidden in a storage locker in nearby Jasper, S.C.?
"Everybody's still in a state of shock," said Edgerly, Ray's longtime friend. "This isn't supposed to happen."?
? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Jan. 15, 2013 ? Usually, results from a new study help scientists inch their way toward an answer whether they are battling a health problem or are on the verge of a technological breakthrough. Once in a while, those results give them a giant leap forward. In a preliminary study in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), University of Missouri scientists showed exactly such a leap using gene therapy to treat muscular dystrophy.
The results of the study will be published in the journal Molecular Therapy on Jan. 15, 2013.
Muscular dystrophy occurs when damaged muscle tissue is replaced with fibrous, bony or fatty tissue and loses function. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common type of muscular dystrophy predominantly affecting boys. Patients with DMD have a gene mutation that disrupts the production of dystrophin, a protein essential for muscle cell survival and function. Absence of dystrophin starts a chain reaction that eventually leads to muscle cell degeneration and death. For years, scientists have been working to find the key to restoring dystrophin, but they have faced many challenges.
One of the largest hurdles in DMD gene therapy is the large size of the gene. Dystrophin is the largest gene in the human genome, containing approximately 4,000 amino acids. To fit the dystrophin gene into a vehicle that could deliver the gene to the appropriate site in the body, one has to delete 70 percent of the gene. The highly abbreviated gene is known as the "micro-dystrophin" gene. Previous studies suggest that micro-dystrophin can effectively stop muscle disease in mice that are missing dystrophin. However, mice that are missing dystrophin show minimal DMD symptoms, and results from mice often do not predict what will happen in humans. In contrast to mice, loss of dystrophin results in severe muscular dystrophy in dogs. If micro-dystrophin can work in dystrophic dogs, it will likely work in human patients. Unfortunately, when micro-dystrophin was tested in dogs in previous studies, it was not successful.
To overcome these hurdles, a team led by Dongsheng Duan, the Margaret Proctor Mulligan Professor in Medical Research at the MU School of Medicine, engineered a new micro-dystrophin gene that carries an important functional region missing in previously tested micro-dystrophins.
"We placed the new microgene into a virus and then injected the virus into dystrophic dogs' muscles," Duan said. Following gene therapy, Duan's team examined the dogs for signs of muscle disease and measured muscle force in treated and untreated dogs. After careful evaluation of 22 dogs, Duan and colleagues found that the new version of micro-dystrophin not only reduced inflammation and fibrosis, it also effectively improved muscle strength.
"This is the first time that we have seen positive gene therapy results in large mammals of DMD," said Duan. "We still have a lot of work to do, but we now know that our gene therapy strategy works in large mammals; this is a quantum leap forward in fighting this disease. Our next step is to test our strategy in a large group of muscles in the dogs, and then, eventually, see if 'whole body therapy' will work in the dogs. We are still a long way off before we will have a human treatment, but with this finding, I do see a light at the end of this tunnel."
If additional studies, including animal studies, are successful within the next few years, MU officials would request authority from the federal government to begin human drug development (this is commonly referred to as the "investigative new drug" status). After this status has been granted, researchers may conduct human clinical trials with the hope of developing new treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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