Sunday, August 12, 2012

Network Marketing Training Tip To Explode Your MLM Business ...

Today's network marketing tip has to do with how to keep?distributors?on our team all in. In order to do this, we have to first understand why they quit.

We all have been there. We talk with a prospect and share with them our mlm oppotunity, they get really excited, join, and then quit. We wonder where did we go wrong; they seemed to be all in and ready to build!

Well, there is a reason for this phenomena! Tom Schreiter does a great job explaining it.

Why distributors quit by Tom Schreiter

Distributors don't quit because of the price of the product, the economy, because their upline has bad breath, or any of these trivial reasons.

Distributors quit because they run out of prospects to talk to.

Look at it this way. If a distributor had four hot prospects to see next week, would that distributor quit?

Of course not.

So our job is to teach our distributors the skills to have a constant supply of prospects.

If we don't teach our new distributors the correct words to instantly create prospects, what are they going to do? Buy leads? And now they have purchased the names of strangers to ruin with their untrained words.

Prospecting is easier if you can instantly create multiple sources of friendly prospects with trained words.

For example, you may have a breakfast club send you prospects, or the Internet, or referrals, or advertising, or viral marketing ... and these sources will send you friendly, pre-sold prospects to talk to because you used trained words to create these prospects.

It is easy to be motivated when you have plenty of prospects. And, it is easy to make presentations when you know your future doesn't depend on a single prospect.

Because if you only have a few prospects to talk to, there is an old saying:

"Prospects can smell desperation."

Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
PO Box 890084
Houston, TX 77289 ?USA

The network marketing tip to take away from this lesson from Tom? To learn skills so you can teach them to your team members. If you do, I'm thinking they will be ?more than happy to continue building their business with you as their leader!

Remember to always visit the business building resources below.

To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Be a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Resources To Help You Grow Your Business

"Success in 10 Steps" The ebook recommended by Tom Schreiter and
Michael Dlouhy which teaches you how to build a successful mlm business in 10 easy steps.

My Personal Blog: Monique's Home Based Business Tips

"How to Double Your Traffic by Writing Irresistible Headlines" Webinar

The Big Al Report by Tom Schreiter:

"Fortune Now" ?by Tom Schreiter: ?

How to get your first 927 customers:

How to position your company so customers think of you first:

Complimentary Four Day Postcard Marketing Course

"How to Build Your Small Business Fast With Simple Postcards" (New 2011 Edition)

'Low-Cost Marketing Secrets'

'How to Build a High-Profit Business on a Low-Impact Budget'


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